Black Belt [ master of basics ]

Please see an instructor for board breaking requirements for testing. Breaks must be pre-approved by your instructor upon submission of a testing application. There may be a limit placed on how many stations use cinderblocks to hold boards/bricks at testing.

Probationary Form name: Kwang-Gae (39 moves)

KWANG-GAE is named after the famous Kwang-Gae-Toh-Wang, the 19th King of the Koguryo Dynasty, who regained all the lost territories including the greater part of Manchuria. The form represents the expansion and recovery of lost territory. The 39 movements refer to the first two figures of 391 A. D., the year he came to the throne.

75 Classes and 1 year of training required for eligibility to test for Decided.

Weapons forms

First Degree Form name: Po-Eun (36 moves)
PO-EUN is the pseudonym of a loyal subject Chong Mong-Chu (1400) who was a famous poet and whose poem “I would not serve a second master though I might be crucified a hundred times” is known to every Korean. He was also a pioneer in the field of physics.
The form represents his unerring loyalty to the king and country towards the end of the Koryo Dynasty.

75 classes and 1 year of training required for eligibility to test for Senior.

Weapons forms

First Degree Senior Form name: Gae-Baek (moves)
GE-BAEK is named after Ge-Baek, a great general in the Baek Je Dynasty (660 AD). The form represents his severe and strict military discipline.

125 classes and 1.5 years of training required for eligibility to test for Second Degree, Probationary.

Weapons forms

Black Belt Curriculum Kicks:
360 Hook Kick, 360 Side Kick,
Run Jump Side Kick Spin Side Kick,
Double Jump Front Kick, Jump Double Round Kick,
Twin Jump Front Kick, 540 Inside Crescent Kick, Butterfly Twist

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