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Breaking Week: February 10-15

February 10 - February 15

Green belts and up (all ranks Adult/Teen class) will be breaking boards in classes February 10 – 15th. Board breaking allows students to expand their training by testing techniques on a simulated opponent. The theory being, good technique will break a board. 

Boards may be ordered through Kickside in bundles of 25 through the KickShop and delivered to the corresponding location on the first day of breaking week. Details on sizes, grain direction and other breaking tips are available on the board breaking page.

Note: Brown belts and above will need to bring boards for breaking at the October testing. Please factor this in when buying boards.

**Do not put boards in your gear bag because they will damage it. Instead, bring them in a less expensive shopping bag**


February 10
February 15
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February 10 - 15
Order deadline February 6th - Remember to order boards for testing now, too!
All green belt & up classes will be breaking for the week. Boards can be ordered in stacks of 25 from the KickShop for your standard location.
White - Sr. Yellow Belts and Little Kickers may order 1/2" boards in sets of 5. We will incorporate breaking into the last 5 min of class for those ranks.

Saturday, February 22
at Kickside of Princeton/Montgomery
Click here for times and full information

February 24 - March 1
Bring a friend to class and win prizes!
Click here to invite a friend to Momentum Week

Click here for the Branchburg Winter Schedule
Click here for the Hillsborough Winter Schedule
Click here for the Montgomery Location